Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland
under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman

Ordinariate Scotland Events

Ordinariate Scotland Pilgrimage & Conference
Friday 4th to Monday 7th July 2025

The Annual Pilgrimage and Conference of the Ordinariate in Scotland will be held at Pluscarden Abbey near Elgin, the only medieval British monastery still being used for its original purpose and today, a thriving monastic house, a training place for Novices and a place of worship, work and reflection.

The 2025 Pilgrimage and Conference begins on Friday 4th July at 4.30pm and continues until Monday 7th July, ending with Holy Mass with the Monks at 9am in the Abbey Church. Day Visitors ale also most welcome to join us. Transport from Elgin rail and bus stations to Pluscarden Abbey will be arranged where necessary.

We are delighted to have as our main speaker, the distinguished academic, Professor Jacob Philips, Professor of Systematic Theology at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. He has published numerous works on John Henry Newman, Joseph Ratzinger and others, and he will speak to us on the Anglican Divines and how these are reflected in the Anglican Patrimony within the Ordinariate. Bishop David Waller, our new Ordinary, will be able to be with us throughout the weekend.

On Friday evening we will hear from those from the Ordinariate, Birnie Kirk and local Catholics on The Return to Life of Birnie Kirk continuing almost 900 of unbroken Christian Worship. On Saturday evening, our own Jamie Baillie will reflect on the events to mark the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea held at the Angelicum, the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, in Rome in April. Jamie is at present studying for a Doctorate Degree on the Theology of St Thomas Aquinas at the Angelicum.

On the Sunday evening we will have an informal Evening with Bishop David where we will hear from him and have the opportunity to ask him questions.

On Saturday and Sunday we will visit nearby Birnie Kirk for Holy Mass, the ancient church, built no later than 1140 and where Christian worship has continued uninterrupted for almost 900 years. Closed by the Church of Scotland in November 2023 it now echoes to regular Ordinariate worship with Evening Prayer from Divine Worship Daily Office and Holy Mass according to Divine Worship being offered at 12 noon on the first Saturday of each month as well as on other occasions.

Accommodation will be in St Benedict’s Guest House, in the new St Joseph's Guest House and in St Scholastica's Retreat, the guest house by the entrance to the Abbey and where we will eat and have our meetings, as well as Morning and Evening Prayer and Compline according to Divine Worship. Holy Mass on Saturday and Sunday will be in Birnie Kirk and on Monday we will join the Monks at the Conventual Mass. We are also pleased to welcome Day Visitors to join us at all events and for meals - but please use the Booking Form to indicate which meals you will be with us for.

Click here to view and download the INFORMATION BOOKLET

BOOKING FORM - Residents and Day Visitors - Click here

Date to be arranged

Ordinariate Scotland visit to Abbotsford House

The Canonisation of Saint John Henry Newman in 2019 was a major event for the Ordinariate and here in Scotland in 2020 we had planned to celebrate in a special way until Covid 19 hit.

Abbotsford House, near Melrose, the home of Sir Walter Scott who died in 1832, later became the home of James Hope-Scott, a good friend of Fr John Henry Newman. They had become friends at Oxford where James was an influential and enthusiastic Tractarian.

Newman was received into the Catholic Church in 1845 and in 1851 both Robert and Charlotte Hope-Scott were also received. Sir Walter’s baronial mansion, Abbotsford House, became the Hope-Scott's home. Newman stayed with his friend at Abbotsford on numerous occasions, celebrating Holy Mass in Sir Walter Scott’s domestic chapel in the basement of the house, and later in the property’s current chapel, built by the Hope-Scott’s.

Abbotsford House

In recognition of this friendship, Newman gave two beautiful chasubles, as well as his biretta and missal, which were used by him when he visited Abbotsford. One of the chasubles is believed to include 16th century tapestry panels mounted onto 18th century silk, and the second is a fine example of a 19th century vestment.

These vestments are now the centre piece of an exhibition in the chapel at Abbotsford House, which is still used by the Catholic Church in Melrose. Our plan is that the Ordinariate in Scotland should arrange a special event, not just for ourselves but for the wider Ordinariate at Abbotsford House lead by Bishop David Waller.

... more events here as the year progresses