Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland
under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman

Holy Mass is every Sunday at 11am
and Mid-week (click below for days) at 11.15am

in the Oratory of St Joseph, 49 Laurel Avenue, Inverness IV3 5RR
Click here for days and times this week and directions

Holy Mass is every Wednesday at 10.30am
in St Martin and St Ninian's Church, George Street, Whithorn DG8 8QA
Holy Mass is on the First Sunday at 10.30am
in Stonehouse Mill, Sorbie, near Whithorn DG8 8AN
Click here for more information and directions

Holy Mass: 2nd Sunday of each month at 12.30pm
in St Patrick's Church in the Cowgate, Edinburgh EH1 1TQ
Click here for more information and directions

Birnie by Elgin
Evening Prayer from Divine Worship:
every Wednesday at 7pm
Holy Mass: first Saturday of the month at 12 noon

in 900 year old Birnie Kirk, IV30 8SU, 3 miles south of Elgin
Click here for more information and directions

Holy Mass on the 1st Monday of each month at 10am
in St Mary's Church, 7 Academy Street, Nairn IV12 4RJ
Click here for more information and directions